I Resolve To…

Happy New Year! For most folks, this is the day where starting fresh can mean many things. For my family and I, that fresh start means putting away the holiday decorations, cleaning the house, and throwing out a lot of things that we accumulated over the months. Some of it are things like empty boxes that we held onto just in case someone needed it for a gift or to mail something to someone. Funny thing is that we never seem to use them. So, it’s executive decision time — which means they got broken down and tossed in the recycling bin.

The other fresh start people try to make is by declaring their resolutions for the new year. I used to keep it simple like “I resolve to floss my teeth more often.” Or, “I resolve stop biting my nails.” But like anything that sounds simple, it’s very difficult to execute and keep at it for the whole year.

With that said, however, I did resolve to do a few things this year. Now, we’ll see if it all pans out, but here’s what I said after midnight when 2023 was just minutes old:

1. Finish a collection of short stories I started writing in 2019.

2. Finish an essay for a friend of mine who is editing a collection on ethics, artificial intelligence, and resistance.

3. Be more consistent in my personal fitness routine.

What I like about two of the three resolutions is that they are in various stages of completion. Will I realize my goals? Maybe not 100%, but close enough that it will likely feel like I’m realizing them. How about you? Are there any resolutions you think are achievable?

About Ted

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