Life in general

Living in Hell

Our bloggy buddy Gina has some powerful posts on what it’s like to live in SoCal right now.  The wildfires that are turning LA into Hades’ garden are all over the news, but her accounts of living with this horrible event are a must read for those who are not quite aware of how bad these fires are. 

But if you need some visual examples, the LA Times has some scary photos of the devastation.

 First a view from space:

This is another view from space showing how much smoke was visible early on  Sunday:

Later that day, here’s what many LA residents were breathing:

  1. Living in hell is right. I sure hope this ends soon. What devastation!

  2. Those pictures sure are upsetting. I feel so badly for the people (and animals) affected by this.

  3. It is just as bad as it looks, and San Diego county is currently the worst hit. Over 250,000 people evacuated.

  4. Oh my GOD! That is just horrible. I hope they are able to get this under control soon!

  5. Geese! That is Hell…

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