Wordless Wednesday: Autumn’s Mom Gets Married!

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4 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: Autumn’s Mom Gets Married!

  1. Beautiful photos of a beautiful wedding! Congratulations to Dorothy and John, and it’s wonderful to see Dot looking so happy. 🙂

  2. Too bad the stupid plastic runway got all bound up under their feet. That really messed up the photo and probably distracted them in the wedding. Luckily they seemed very happy and what a beautiful scenery for a wedding.

  3. Yeah, the runner/runway was a kind of cloth, and everyone who stepped on it had trouble walking on it. At the end, someone just balled it up so the bride and groom could walk out of there. 🙂

  4. I love wedding photos whether I know the people or not and those were gorgeous. What a lovely place for a beautiful wedding.

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