Like many people in my age bracket, the Star Wars prequels were a profound disappointment. Episode I had the annoyance of Jar Jar wasting screen time, the back story on...
Download John Lennon music and quotes montage HERE Why is the anniversary of John Lennon’s death such a big deal? In addition to the death of a beloved figure in...
Download Avant-Weird Mix Six HERE I suppose I’m a slow learner, but I was checking my blog stats, and, well, Friday is a very slow blog day around here. And...
Carolyn (my co-worker) and I rip TomKat regularly on the air. We saw this picture on a website and tried to recreate it. We didn’t have the correct angles, but...
I was looking at this list below started to count how many of these albums I haven’t heard. Instead of making a total, I decided to take the more visual...