
BSG and Betting?

If you read this blog on a regular basis, you know I’m a big Battlestar Galactica fan (or BSG).  Anyway, I was reading Wired today and they ran a story about a website that’s taking bets on who the final Cylon is going to be.   My guess was Ellen Tigh, but really who knows at this point — oh wait, some of the writers and the producers know who it is. 

Well, imagine my surprise when I see who people are betting on (Cough! Cough! Dualla).  Last week’s episode had us listening to a song Mr. Gaeta sang when he was in pain — after recovering from a amputated leg.  In that song, there was a reference to the hybid.  Nothing overt, mind you.  Just a line saying “To have her, please, one day wake.”  At the end of the episode, the hybrid is reconnected to the ship and she does indeed “wake.” So much so, that her first act is to spin up the FTL drive and jump away from the fleet with President Roslin on board.  Now, it’s possible that Gaeta, like Baltar, is connected to the Cylons, but not one of them .

Mr. Gaeta’s odds, by the way, are 3-2 that he’s the final Cylon. 

Speaking of that episode featuring Mr. Geata…the guy who composes the music for BSG has a really detailed blog about the show (and that episode in particular) that is really great.

Okay BSG fans, who do you think is the final Cylon?

  1. This was a cool episode.

    Hmmm. Final cylon. I’m going to say…crap, I just don’t know.

  2. i hope when it’s finally revealed, you feel satisfied. I hate when a series just leaves you with a million more questions!

  3. I don’t freaking know!

    At first I thought it might be Roslin, what with the shared visions and all. But she’s in that picture where they promised that nobody who was in it was the final Cylon.

    So, I could see Gaeta, especially with the weird singing he’s doing, as music seems to be some sort of key…

    Some people are saying Doc Cottle, but I’m not sure where that’s coming from. As for Dualla, she hasn’t even been around practically this entire season!

    Hubba-hubba totally freaked out when the Cylon ship jumped away!

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