1. When you go to a Rush concert, pray that you’re not sitting behind REALLY tall people. This was the view Maya and Julie had until they were able to shift around and get a better look at the band. They did have video screens, but we were close enough so we could see the band without video enhancement. However, we had to resort to watching the video from time to time when “The Tall Guys” grouped together and did the white guy head nod while playing subtle air guitar.

  2. LOL We got lucky friday night..no one was in the two seats in front of us til almost the end of the show! They ended up being very short girls.

  3. I wish we had had very short girls in front of us. These guys were so tall. Sigh.

  4. Oh no! Fat head alert. Being a short person, I frequently have to deal with that.

  5. First I thought it was from a democratic convention, then I thought it was some guy viewing a UFO, but wow it was a really tall dude at the concert. Tall people are attractive to me, but hey not a concerts and at movies

  6. Ummm… Geddy Lee ain’t much to look at. 🙂 I love RUSH! Just saw Van Halen last night. Eddie rocked. David Lee Roth… well… he’s David Lee Roth.

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