Life in general

Not Good…

I might be reading too much into a phone conversation, but yesterday we had another open house, and when I called our real estate agent to check in, she sounded depressed at the turnout.  Only three people came to see our place, and next week it’s probably going to be less. 

“Open homes really don’t sell homes” — at least that’s what our real estate agent keeps telling us — so I’m wondering if she was just feeling down because of all the media attention focused on the crappy state of the market. 

Case in point:  the SF Chronicle publishes two front page stories on the Bay Area market and the number of foreclosures in cities close to ours (HERE and HERE) .  And a few days before that, the Contra Costa Times published a story on a new school that won’t be opening in Oakley (which is about 20-ish miles from us).  Why?  Well, there aren’t enough kids living in Oakley to fill the school, so the buildings remain empty (The story is HERE).

So…You add up the local media coverage, combine it with the continuing national coverage of the subprime meltdown and, well, you get a trickle of buyers at open homes.  I’m still holding out hope that the two leads our agent has will result in an offer (and a good one at that!), but that depressing tone I heard in our agent’s voice makes me feel like it’s going to be a long road to a contract.

  1. It’s such a tough market right now. I’m sorry you guys are right in the middle of the ick.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  2. Man, that bites! I hope things turn around soon. The real estate market is really horrible now. We were going to put our house up on the market last spring, but decided to bag that idea and just fixed up the place. Hopefully, we can put it up on the market spring of 2008 and it sells. Anyway, like ML, I shall keep my fingers crossed for you. 🙂

  3. I was so optimistic when we put it on the market back in May…now I have a crappy, “Wait and see” attitude, and I wonder if we’ll ever get that office and garage we so desire?

  4. Hoping something will happen soon for you!

  5. I’m sending you good thoughts ($$$)

    Sorry it’s been tough going.

  6. Keep your fingers crossed, and your hopes high.

  7. The media always likes bad news and tends to make it worse, a self-fulfilling prophecy so to speak. Houses are selling, but at a much lower volume. Just have to find that person who wants it. Keep being positive.

  8. I’m so sorry!

    As everyone said, it is a crappy market, although the media are not the only ones to blame.

    But, I will send some good vibes up your way and hope that a buyer comes to you soon!

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