Life in general

We’re Getting There (Slowly)

In the ongoing saga of “Please Buy Our House,” we’re over a major hump regarding the updating of the place.  The kitchen and bathrooms are about 99% complete, the painting is about 95% complete (we get to do some detail work that’s not too tough), but we still have to install some closet doors which, unfortunately, pushes our “launch” date a week later than we were hoping. 

The more I watch HGTV’s real estate shows, the more I see that the details in how you “package” your house are an important part of its sale.  I know, you’re probably saying “No duh,” but remember what used to be said about the three most important things in real estate:  “Location! Location! Location!” Now, it’s more like Location + “Wow” factor + Right price point = Better chance of a sale.

We’re breathing a little easier last night and today because our place is not so chaotic anymore.  We were able to use our kitchen last night (Julie made a great pasta with chicken and veggies),  the bathroom lights work, and the new paint has really made our home look very different — in a good way, of course. 

Okay, I’ll admit it: I don’t like the paint colors in our house. 

The major color in our house is called “Wise Owl.”  This is not a picture of our house, but here’s the color on the far wall:

The color in Maya’s room called “Sage” and it looks a little something like this:

 And in our bedroom, it’s “Straw” cut with some white…and it kind of looks like this (only lighter):

It must be because I’m very color blind that I can’t really enjoy the colors for what they are, but they really don’t do anything for me.  But hey, it’s not about me loving what’s in our house now, but what will sell the place.  And from the reaction from family, friends and neighbors, these changes are  getting the thumbs up!  As soon as we finish all the updating, pictures of our place will be posted. Promise!

Next up: Friday’s Mix Six! 


  1. I really love the colours Py. Your home is very chic.

  2. Gosh, I’m going to be HAPPY when this is finished. Sigh.

  3. The colors do look, ahem, good (that was painful to admit), but it will be nice when this is all finished and the place is sold. 🙂

  4. Ha! You just insulted my house! 😉

    Our primary color is similar to the “Wise Owl” although ours is Laura Ashley.

  5. Wow! Your place looks so nice. I love the paint.

  6. Duh, those are only examples. Ok, I’m retarded today. I like the pain in the front room example. We have somethig similar to that in our living room aswell.

  7. Beenzzz: No worries! I’m sure other people made the same mistake.

    And sorry Gina, but me and the color brown don’t go well together when it comes to home decor. I blame my father, who loved brown to the point that almost everything in the house was brown.

  8. I’m anxious to see the pictures of your home when it’s completed. Actually, I love the colors!

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