Do you ever get a song in your head that you just can’t let go of until you hear it? That happened to me yesterday as I was thinking about a mix tape J made for me back in 1988 that had “Some Girls” by Belouis Some on it. What that? You say you’ve never heard of him? Well, that’s probably because you weren’t really paying attention as New Wave entered its golden years and began to cross over into adult contemporary terrain. I don’t want to get too cynical about this song ’cause I really love it, and I think you might like it as well.
Because I became obsessed with hearing this song again, I went on a hunt through “back stacks of wax” that’s buried deep in our storage unit. Yep, I was on the hunt for the actual LP; the vinyl recording that J bought back in 87. She was pretty sure we didn’t have the album anymore, and I was convinced that we did. Fortunately for me, I found it (along with others that I had forgotten about), but I don’t have a record player anymore. Well, I DO, but it’s at my brother’s house, and it doesn’t have a USB connection for my computer and blah, blah, blah. Anyway, I went over to Guitar Center and found a way to solve my dilemma. I bought this:
It’s kind of a cheap turntable, but it does the job of ripping vinyl to mp3 — and it has a USB connection! Anyway, the conclusion to this story is that I became so hell bent on finding this song that while trolling the Internet looking for an mp3 copy I saw that John over at Lost in the 80s had blogged on Belouis Some back in 2005, so I wrote to him and we had a fun IM chat about the LP. He was even going to make a trek this weekend to Amoeba Records in his part of the world to find it if I couldn’t locate it. Anyway, I did find it, and now you can hear it too!
“Some Girls” Belouis Some (Download)
P.S. J just listened to the song and her comment? (Semi-whisper) “That was awesome. It’s just like I remember, but the ending goes on for friggin ever!”
P.S.S. Today is my mom’s birthday, and she doesn’t want too much attention lavished. So, I’ll just casually…without much fanfare…and, almost as an aside, wish my mom HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
July 19, 2007 at 6:12 amHappy Birthday to your Mom!!
I’ve had songs playing in my head for weeks on end until I’m ready to have a nervous breakdown. Then I never want to hear them again 🙂
Your experience was different, though. I bet it brought back some memories.
Py Korry
July 19, 2007 at 6:15 amIt did! I’ll probably be over this song by the end of the week, though. But…that’s pop music, isn’t it.
July 19, 2007 at 7:32 amYay that you got a record player! I forsee many days of fun in our future!
I do love this song still. Sigh.
July 19, 2007 at 7:38 amOh yeah, I remember this guy. I loved him too!
And, I am going to have to tell my Dad ASAP about this thing, he has SO many LP’s and even though he has tried to “match” it with all the CD’s, some of them are fairly rare and don’t have CD’s, or not that he can find. He will be ecstatic!
And happy B-day to your mom!
Py Korry
July 19, 2007 at 7:49 amIf your dad goes to Guitar Center tell him that I paid $150 out the door for the turntable. They have it listed at $169, but they cut deals.
July 19, 2007 at 8:25 amLOVE the turntable! Happy Birthday to your Mom too!
July 19, 2007 at 8:51 amAhhh, you got it! Your USB turntable will open a whole new vinyl world for your blog now. I recommend Final Vinyl if you’re not using it already!
July 19, 2007 at 9:06 amThat is awesome..I wish I still had some of my old ones. I don’t remember this guy..but I can totally relate to having something stuck in my head. We watched Bands reunited this weekend for Scandal and Vixen. The Vixen song has been stuck in there,, Cryin. I felt 16 again watchin that stuff.
July 19, 2007 at 9:53 amOhhh I’m glad you found a way to rip vinyl to mp3. Lucky for us AND now you have a way to easily listen to your collection.
July 19, 2007 at 2:16 pmWow, that is a nice peice of equipment. You are always right there with the new Hi-tech stuff
July 19, 2007 at 3:02 pmIf anyone is looking to buy a turntable for converting vinyl I recommend the Audio-Technica (from amazon – It comes with great, easy-to-use software (unlike Audacity, yuck!) and has a dustcover, at half the cost of the Numark. Since I got it I’ve rediscovered so much vinyl that was never released on CD.
Thinking About… » Links of Love
July 20, 2007 at 5:30 am[…] Py Korry bought a fancy space-age type turntable and rooted through our album collection, starting a new feature on his blog called “I could give a rip”, in which he rips a hard-to-find song from LP to MP3 and uploads it for your downloading pleasure. The debut song is one of my old school faves, “Some Girls”, by Belouis Some. […]