I hear people lament that as you get older, there are fewer and fewer pleasures in life. Some have the give up drinking alcohol, some give up the occasional smoke...
I got a “special request” yesterday from C-Lo to watch the new Rachael Ray show. I missed her debut and her second day with Oprah coming on the set to...
sa·do·mas·o·chism (sey-doh-mas-uh-kiz-uhm) n. The deriving of pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting or submitting to physical or emotional abuse. In a way, I feel a sense of sympathy for John...
When I was ending my undergrad degree and just starting grad school, I took classes that had one or two books that could be described as “PoMo.” What’s “PoMo?” Well,...
Download Andrew’s Mix Six HERE Here we are! Another Friday, another Mix Six. This one was submitted by Andrew Cory at The Punning Pundit. In another life, Andrew was one...