Film Film View: “Boyhood” July 27, 2014 "The boy lies in the grass with one blade stuck between his teeth/A vague sensation quickens in his young and restless heart/And a bright and nameless vision has him longing...
Writing Being a Writer July 25, 2014 You wanna be a writer? Well then, write. And then re-write it again and again and again...
Food, Politics Fairs, Food, and Food, Inc. July 23, 2014 It's all fun and frivolity at the State Fair...and then the food fight starts.
Life in general What Do You Want To Do When You Grow Up, Part 4: Professor? July 20, 2014 Publish or perish...publish or perish.
General, TV Awkward. July 17, 2014 What happens when your parents walk in on you during an intimate moment? Awkward.