Life in general, Whatever

Saved By The Geeks

Wired has a story of a high school kid who has figured out which bacteria decomposes plastic bags.  Since these bags eventually decompose, bacteria was involved — but exactly which bacteria was not really...

Random Sample

And you thought I was giving up on this. Ha! Another group of Random Sample goodness for the long weekend. First up! Arrested Development, “Tennessee” (Download) I can’t say that...

Greatest Hits!

I’m surpised someone is still willing to wring some comedy out the Bush administration.  I don’t know about you, but stuff like this is kind of painful.  At Popdose, I reviewed...

BSG and Betting?

If you read this blog on a regular basis, you know I’m a big Battlestar Galactica fan (or BSG).  Anyway, I was reading Wired today and they ran a story...