Ms. Mamma visited the world of Py Korry to comment on the New Order song featured in this week's "Deep Tracks" selection. Well, one visit deserves another, so I went over...
The Punning Pundit wonders why we can't have a more intelligent media in this day and age. While I fundamenally agree with him, I gotta say that as a person...
Brother With a Fundamental Problem (AKA my grad school bud, Theo) has a very funny critique of last night's finale of AI. I know this show is popular, but it...
A long time ago, when my job was fun… I worked with Ramzi over at I Understand. He produced my traffic reports while I worked on my newscasts (when I...
I've been reading a book that can be described as a "doom and gloom tome," but one that has certainly altered my driving habits. The book is Kevin Phillps' "American...