Have you ever seen the trailer for a movie (or even read about the film prior to its release) and thought: “THAT looks really good!” And then the film comes...
Being an X-Files fan, Gillian Anderson was a big part of our weekly X-Files “Trust No One” a-thon.” After the series ended, Anderson did a few films, but kind of...
Julie tagged me for a meme that is making me think about scenes from Christmas past, present, and maybe even future.  Okay, I’ll keep the green font going and jump in! Oh, and these aren’t in any...
I know I’ve moaned and groaned about our real estate woes a few times in the last, oh, seven months, but it’s over. We’re off the market and yesterday we...
DOWNLOAD HERE Every now and then there are songs that come down the pike that people just love, love, love. But you know what? The songs are actually kind of...