Download the full mix HERE Welly welly, well, well, well. It’s Friday, it’s the beginning of my vacay (We’re spending time in San Francisco and Lake Tahoe), and tonight I’m...
Hello music lovers! We’re getting ready to take a vacation next week so I’ll be on blogcation as well. Not to worry, though. I’m still going to have a Mix...
J and I were watching Dork TV C-Span over the weekend, and there was discussion on the media and the Internet that featured Andrew Keen, the author of the book...
The NY Times had a very amusing piece on the current use of emoticons among us old folks. What piqued my interest, however, was how these little dots, dashes, and...
Download the full mix HERE Bonjour Personnes de Partie! Welcome to our little weekly mix of six songs that have been carefully handpicked by either yours truly, or one of...