And then there’s this idea I heard on Marketplace on NPR last Friday that doesn’t sound half-bad. And yeah, I have real estate on my mind ’cause we’re just about to...
Download the full mix HERE Hello my bloggy friends! It’s good to be back among the healthy after a long spell of feeling like crap. This week’s mix comes from...
You remember those “wars” that Fox News periodically springs on us? You know “The War on Christmas,” and “The War On Christianity?” Claiming these things are “under attack” is kind...
My liberal rag, the NY Times, ran a story on school lunches and the efforts of some school districts in the U.S. to change up the menus and offer food...
Trolling the “Stacks of Wax†in my collection, I stumbled upon this LP by Mike Oldfield. Five Miles Out was part of Oldfield’s transition from progressive rock/multi instrumentalist artist to...