
Aliens vs Predator: Requiem

The first thing you need to know about AVPR:  it’s a guy film of the highest order.  Explosions, guns, blood, aliens, more explosions, more guns, more blood, and as the...

I Am Legend

Yesterday we went to see I Am Legend, and while the film wasn’t the horrid mess some critics said it was, it had the unusual effect of scaring the crap...

Oh, Don’t Bother

Have you ever seen the trailer for a movie (or even read about the film prior to its release) and thought: “THAT looks really good!”  And then the film comes...

Sci-Fi Geek-a-Thon

I’m not going to run away from the fact that I really enjoy science fiction. Mostly, I like science fiction movies, but there are a number of novels I enjoy,...