The Variety Hour

This post is Jason Hare’s fault. You see, if it wasn’t for his Chart Attack! of last week (which featured Glen Campbell’s “Southern Nights”), I probably wouldn’t have posted this....

Sorry, but…

It’s another Battlestar Galactica post! This will give you an idea of how much of a geek I am. Ready? Okay, I was listening to an unofficial BSG podcast, and...

BSG (I Can’t Let Go)!

What is my fracking problem!  I can’t stop thinking about the season finale of BSG and it seems neither can other hardcore fans. Sorry, if you’re not into this show,...

Spot the Cylon

The season finale of BSG (That’s Battlestar Galactica for those not “in the know”) aired on Sunday, but we just saw it last night after downloading it on iTunes (the...

Geeks and TV Freaks

It seems just when I think I’m finished with TV, it pulls me back in!  I’m talking about that feeling one gets when a favorite TV show is on.  Currently,...