Caprica: The End

Caprica: It’s one of the biggest science fiction TV letdowns in recent memory.  The show was full of promise and one that could shed light on the early days of...

The Walking Dead

It’s not the most original show on TV, but it certainly has the potential to explore questions of what it means to be human in a time when most of...
TV, Whatever

Feeling Younger?

More often than not, I pretty much ignore what’s on the Comcast homepage when checking email.  Their “news” is pretty shallow and I try not to get hooked in.  But...

“LOST” Finale

It’s here! It’s really here! For all you fans of the TV show “LOST,” I got together with my friend and Popdose colleague, Scott Malchus to discuss the show and...


Help! I’m getting obsessed with the premier of the final season of BSG. Julie and Maya gave me season 4.0 on DVD for Xmas and we’re getting it tomorrow when...