While the World’s Ending…

…I’m at home this weekend not following the latest developments in the Israel/Lebanon conflict, or wondering if this unbelievably hot weather means the Bay Area is the new Arizona, or...
Music, TV

Coming Soon!

Check back later today for J’s “Mix Six!”  It’s a theme set, and it’s got some great songs for the weekend! But before you leave, you have to read a TV...


If you get a chance to see “Criss Angel: Mindfreak” on A&E, you’ll enjoy it for its campy quality (if you’re old like me), or its “How the hell did...
Music, TV

American Idol (Blech!)

Brother With a Fundamental Problem (AKA my grad school bud, Theo) has a very funny critique of last night's finale of AI. I know this show is popular, but it...