Today's New York Times had this headline: Gay Marriage Ban Fails in Senate Vote The first two 'graphs read as follows: "WASHINGTON, June 7 — The Senate today soundly rejected...
Because we as humans are conflicted creatures who are prone to excessive violence and excessive compassion, it's in that vein that today's blog may seem the obverse of yesterday's....
The Punning Pundit wonders why we can't have a more intelligent media in this day and age. While I fundamenally agree with him, I gotta say that as a person...
I've been reading a book that can be described as a "doom and gloom tome," but one that has certainly altered my driving habits. The book is Kevin Phillps' "American...
I've been reading since around 2002 when someone sent me a link and with a note saying "check it out!" or something like that. This was around the time...