Frakking Bike Chains

Trying to get a little exercise in today, and ran into a snag: my bike chain came off, flipped, and twisted around. Thank goodness Julie is home so she can pick me or else it would be a four mile “Walk of shame” in my bike shoes. I’m blogging from my phone as I wait for Julie, so here’s a pic of the offending chain.

About Ted


9 thoughts on “Frakking Bike Chains

  1. Get a chain press. It will save you a big headache untangling that mess. They are about $15.

  2. This has happened too many times. So, I just took my bike in to get a tune up — which it has never had. I hope that helps.

  3. I’ve never heard of a chain press. If the tune up doesn’t help, maybe that’s a good investment.

    I’m glad you didn’t have to walk home. And I’ll echo shelliza and say I’m glad you didn’t get hurt. 🙂

  4. I think I discovered your problem! There are no pedals on your bike… only stubs! Oh wait… maybe I’m out of touch… I’m still riding the $60 mountain bike I bought at Walmart 13 years ago.

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