Download the full mix HERE
This was one of those mixes that started like the mix tapes I used to do in the 80s. That is to say I started with one song and then quickly searched for another song to mix in while the first song was being recorded. Well, now I have the luxury of being able to give these mixes a bit more thought, but this one came together pretty quickly. I suppose once you start on a classic rock vibe, you just gotta go with it. So, let’s get on with it!
“Destroyer” The Kinks (Download) Here ’tis! The song that started this whole mess. God bless Ray Davies.
“In the Flesh?” Pink Floyd (Download) This is one of those sledgehammer songs that takes me back to 1984 when I was a filmmaker geek in college. Our film club (and just saying “film club” makes me think of that one time at band camp…) did a fundraiser for a film project by screening “Pink Floyd The Wall” at the crappiest theater in Concord, CA. For those who are from this area, it’s the Capri Theater (or “Crapee”) on Willow Pass Rd. After paying for the rental of the film, we netted over $1000! Not bad for a bunch of community college wannabe film idiots. ๐
“Europa” Santana (Download) When I saw Santana in concert years ago, this song was supposed to be that chill moment where Carlos Santana wanted everyone in the audience to just connect with the earth and think about…stuff. But all I could think about was, “Hey! is that pot I smell coming from the row in front of me?”
“Grey Seal” Elton John (Download) Sure, I could have played one of the hits off Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, but that would be kind of boring, right?
“Day of the Eagle” Robin Trower (Download) What a cool song, eh? Truth be told this was the first song I played in front of a captive audience a couple of years ago. My friend Ravi works for KGO radio and they had a BBQ at the home of his boss, and a good chunk of the staff could play musical instruments, so there was a kind of individual talent show, and then a huge jam on classic rock tunes at the end. Since this was my first time playing in front of an audience, all I could think at the time was “Don’t mess up! Don’t mess up! Don’t mess up!” Sadly, I messed up. We never practiced the song with amps and with a full kit, so once Ravi’s son plugged in his bass, the sound was so muddy and loud that I couldn’t hear my cues from Ravi on guitar and vocals. Ravi’s wife came up to us after we played our set and said “That was wonderfully horrible!” Good times. Here are some pictures of the “wonderfully horrible” gig.
Me and Jai trying not to screw up!
Ravi wondering why we keep missing our cues.
“Rock-n-Roll Suicide” David Bowie (Download) What other way are you going to close out a classic rock set?
Have a great weekend, y’all!
August 24, 2007 at 5:27 amNuhice selection of songs you got there. I like the pictures too.
Have a great weekend.
Py Korry
August 24, 2007 at 5:47 amSeems a little early to be cranking the classic rock, but if the coffee isn’t working, well then you can always have a dose of The Kinks. ๐
August 24, 2007 at 5:50 amI get here so early, that no one is even around. I can crank all I want ๐
If there are people around, I put on the earphones.
Py Korry
August 24, 2007 at 5:58 amOh, and nose plugs too — esp. with “Farty McFarter” in the cube next to you.
August 24, 2007 at 6:37 amYuck! Something MUCH worse than farty mcfarter happened about a month back. I’ve been debating on whether to blog about it or not.
Py Korry
August 24, 2007 at 6:44 amPlease do! Those stories are really funny.
August 24, 2007 at 7:32 amAWESOME Mix, and I love the addition of the personal story near the end. ๐
Thinking About… » Five Fun Factiods…
August 24, 2007 at 7:35 am[…] have speakers and a sound card and all of that, head on over to Py Korry, and check out his awesome Friday Mix Six!รย This week it’s classic rock, so we’ve got some Carlos, some Kinks, Elton John […]
August 24, 2007 at 10:25 amOh yeah, I loves me some Kinks!
Santana has never done it for me, though.
Great mix! ๐
August 24, 2007 at 11:41 am[…] Py Korry spins a classic rock Mix Six; […]
August 27, 2007 at 8:24 pmHey I know these ones , they are not the normal run of the mills pick, and it was nice, You look cool on those drums. I am gald you can play the drums like that.